Customizing Automa's code generation
Automa offers a few ways of customising the created code. Note that the precise code generated by automa is considered an implementation detail, and as such is subject to change without warning. Only the overall behavior, i.e. the "DFA simulation" can be considered stable.
Nonetheless, it is instructive to look at the code generated for the machine in the "parsing from a buffer" section. I present it here cleaned up and with comments for human inspection.
# Initialize variables used in the code below
byte::UInt8 = 0x00
p::Int = 1
p_end::Int = sizeof(data)
p_eof::Int = p_end
cs::Int = 1
# Turn the input buffer into SizedMemory, to load data from pointer
GC.@preserve data begin
mem::Automa.SizedMemory = (Automa.SizedMemory)(data)
# For every input byte:
while p ≤ p_end && cs > 0
# Load byte
byte = mem[p]
# Load the action, to execute, if any, by looking up in a table
# using the current state (cs) and byte
@inbounds var"##292" = Int((Int8[0 0 … 0 0; 0 0 … 0 0; … ; 0 0 … 0 0; 0 0 … 0 0])[(cs - 1) << 8 + byte + 1])
# Look up next state. If invalid input, next state is negative current state
@inbounds cs = Int((Int8[-1 -2 … -5 -6; -1 -2 … -5 -6; … ; -1 -2 … -5 -6; -1 -2 … -5 -6])[(cs - 1) << 8 + byte + 1])
# Check each possible action looked up above, and execute it
# if it is not zero
if var"##292" == 1
pos = p
elseif var"##292" == 2
header = String(data[pos:p - 1])
elseif if var"##292" == 3
append!(buffer, data[pos:p - 1])
elseif var"##292" == 4
seq = Seq(header, String(buffer))
push!(seqs, seq)
# Increment position by 1
p += 1
# If we're at end of input, and the current state in in an accept state:
if p > p_eof ≥ 0 && cs > 0 && (cs < 65) & isodd(0x0000000000000021 >>> ((cs - 1) & 63))
# What follows is a list of all possible EOF actions.
# If state is state 6, execute the appropriate action
# tied to reaching end of input at this state
if cs == 6
seq = Seq(header, String(buffer))
push!(seqs, seq)
cs = 0
# Else, if the state is < 0, we have taken a bad input (see where cs was updated)
# move position back by one to leave it stuck where it found bad input
elseif cs < 0
p -= 1
# If cs is not 0, the machine is in an error state.
# Gather some information about machine state, then throw an error
if cs != 0
cs = -(abs(cs))
var"##291" = if p_eof > -1 && p > p_eof
Automa.throw_input_error($machine, -cs, var"##291", mem, p)
end # GC.@preserve
Using CodeGenContext
The CodeGenContext
(or ctx, for short) struct is a collection of settings used to customize code creation. If not passed to the code generator functions, a default CodeGenContext
is used.
Variable names
One obvious place to customize is variable names. In the code above, for example, the input bytes are named byte
. What if you have another variable with that name?
The ctx contains a .vars
field with a Variables
object, which is just a collection of names used in generated code. For example, to rename byte
to u8
in the generated code, you first create the appropriate ctx, then use the ctx to make the code.
ctx = CodeGenContext(vars=Automa.Variables(byte=:u8))
code = generate_code(ctx, machine, actions)
Other options
- The
option strips most linenumber information from the generated code, if set to true. getbyte
is a function that is called like thisgetbyte(data, p)
to obtainbyte
in the main loop. This is usually justBase.getindex
, but can be customised to be an arbitrary function.
Code generator
The code showed at the top of this page is code made with the table code generator. Automa also supports creating code using the goto code generator instead of the default table generator. The goto generator creates code with the following properties:
- It is much harder to read than table code
- The code is much larger
- It does not use boundschecking
- It does not allow customizing
- It is much faster than the table generator
Normally, the table generator is good enough, but for performance sensitive applications, the goto generator can be used.
Optimising the previous example
Let's try optimising the previous FASTA parsing example. My original code did 300 MB/s.
To recap, the Machine
machine = let
header = onexit!(onenter!(re"[a-z]+", :mark_pos), :header)
seqline = onexit!(onenter!(re"[ACGT]+", :mark_pos), :seqline)
record = onexit!(re">" * header * '\n' * rep1(seqline * '\n'), :record)
@assert machine isa Automa.Machine
The first improvement is to the algorithm itself: Instead of of parsing to a vector of Seq
, I'm simply going to index the input data, filling up an existing vector of:
struct SeqPos
The idea here is to remove as many allocations as possible. This will more accurately show the speed of the DFA simulation, which is now the bottleneck. The actions will therefore be
actions = Dict(
:mark_pos => :(pos = p),
:header => :(hlen = p - pos),
:seqline => :(slen += p - pos),
:record => quote
seqpos = SeqPos(offset, hlen, slen)
nseqs += 1
seqs[nseqs] = seqpos
offset += hlen + slen
slen = 0
@assert actions isa Dict
With the new variables such as slen
, we need to update the function code as well:
@eval function parse_fasta(data)
pos = slen = hlen = offset = nseqs = 0
seqs = Vector{SeqPos}(undef, 400000)
$(generate_code(machine, actions))
return seqs
This parses a 45 MB file in about 100 ms in my laptop, that's 450 MB/s. Now let's try the exact same, except with the code being generated by:
$(generate_code(CodeGenContext(generator=:goto), machine, actions))
Now the code parses the same 45 MB FASTA file in 11.14 miliseconds, parsing at about 4 GB/s.
— TypeCodeGenContext(;
vars=Variables(:p, :p_end, :is_eof, :cs, :data, :mem, :byte, :buffer),
Create a CodeGenContext
(ctx), a struct that stores options for Automa code generation. Ctxs are used for Automa's various code generator functions. They currently take the following options (more may be added in future versions)
: variable names used in generated code. See theVariables
: code generator mechanism (:table
). The table generator creates smaller, simpler code that uses a vector of integers to determine state transitions. The goto-generator uses a maze of@goto
-statements, and create larger, more complex code, that is faster.getbyte::Function
(table generator only): functionf(data, p)
to access byte from data. Default:Base.getindex
: Whether to remove someQuoteNode
s (line information) from the generated code
julia> ctx = CodeGenContext(generator=:goto, vars=Variables(buffer=:tbuffer));
julia> generate_code(ctx, compile(re"a+")) isa Expr
— TypeStruct used to store variable names used in generated code. Contained in a CodeGenContext
. Create a custom Variables
for your CodeGenContext
if you want to customize the variables used in Automa codegen, typically if you have conflicting variables with the same name.
Automa generates code with the following variables, shown below with their default names:
: current position of datap_end::Int
: end position of datais_eof::Bool
: Whetherp_end
marks end file streamcs::Int
: current statedata::Any
: input datamem::SizedMemory
: Memory wrappingdata
: current byte being read fromdata
: (generate_reader
julia> ctx = CodeGenContext(vars=Variables(byte=:u8));
julia> ctx.vars.byte