
Automa regex (of the type Automa.RE) are conceptually similar to the Julia built-in regex. They are made using the @re_str macro, like this: re"ABC[DEF]".

Automa regex matches individual bytes, not characters. Hence, re"Æ" (with the UTF-8 encoding [0xc3, 0x86]) is equivalent to re"\xc3\x86", and is considered the concatenation of two independent input bytes.

The @re_str macro supports the following content:

  • Literal symbols, such as re"ABC", re"\xfe\xa2" or re"Ø"
  • | for alternation, as in re"A|B", meaning "A or B".
  • Byte sets with [], like re"[ABC]". This means any of the bytes in the brackets, e.g. re"[ABC]" is equivalent to re"A|B|C".
  • Inverted byte sets, e.g. re"[^ABC]", meaning any byte, except those in re[ABC].
  • Repetition, with X* meaning zero or more repetitions of X
  • +, where X+ means XX*, i.e. 1 or more repetitions of X
  • ?, where X? means X | "", i.e. 0 or 1 occurrences of X. It applies to the last element of the regex
  • Parentheses to group expressions, like in A(B|C)?

You can combine regex with the following operations:

  • * for concatenation, with re"A" * re"B" being the same as re"AB". Regex can also be concatenated with Chars and Strings, which will cause the chars/strings to be converted to regex first.
  • | for alternation, with re"A" | re"B" being the same as re"A|B"
  • & for intersection of regex, i.e. for regex A and B, the set of inputs matching A & B is exactly the intersection of the inputs match A and those matching B. As an example, re"A[AB]C+D?" & re"[ABC]+" is re"ABC".
  • \ for difference, such that for regex A and B, A \ B creates a new regex matching all those inputs that match A but not B.
  • ! for inversion, such that !re"[A-Z]" matches all other strings than those which match re"[A-Z]". Note that !re"a" also matches e.g. "aa", since this does not match re"a".

Finally, the funtions opt, rep and rep1 is equivalent to the operators ?, * and +, so i.e. opt(re"a" * rep(re"b") * re"c") is equivalent to re"(ab*c)?".


Suppose we want to create a regex that matches a simplified version of the FASTA format. This "simple FASTA" format is defined like so:

  • The format is a series of zero or more records, concatenated
  • A record consists of the concatenation of:
    • A leading '>'
    • A header, composed of one or more letters in 'a-z',
    • A newline symbol '\n'
    • A series of one or more sequence lines
  • A sequence line is the concatenation of:
    • One or more symbols from the alphabet [ACGT]
    • A newline

We can represent this concisely as a regex: re"(>[a-z]+\n([ACGT]+\n)+)*" To make it easier to read, we typically construct regex incrementally, like such:

fasta_regex = let
    header = re"[a-z]+"
    seqline = re"[ACGT]+"
    record = '>' * header * '\n' * rep1(seqline * '\n')
@assert fasta_regex isa RE



Automa regular expression (regex) that is used to match a sequence of input bytes. Regex should preferentially be constructed using the @re_str macro: re"ab+c?". Regex can be combined with other regex, strings or chars with *, |, & and \:

  • a * b matches inputs that matches first a, then b
  • a | b matches inputs that matches a or b
  • a & b matches inputs that matches a and b
  • a \ b matches input that mathes a but not b
  • !a matches all inputs that does not match a.

Set actions to regex with onenter!, onexit!, onall! and onfinal!, and preconditions with precond!.


julia> regex = (re"a*b?" | opt('c')) * re"[a-z]+";

julia> regex = rep1((regex \ "aba") & !re"ca");

julia> regex isa RE

julia> compile(regex) isa Automa.Machine

See also: [@re_str](@ref), [@compile](@ref)

@re_str -> RE

Construct an Automa regex of type RE from a string. Note that due to Julia's raw string escaping rules, re"\\" means a single backslash, and so does re"\\\\", while re"\\\\\"" means a backslash, then a quote character.


julia> re"ab?c*[def][^ghi]+" isa RE

See also: RE
