
This package uses STRIDE or DSSP to compute secondary structures of proteins from their structure files:

  • STRIDE supports reading PDB files.
  • DSSP supports reading both PDB and mmCIF files.

Secondary structure classes

The outputs of STRIDE or DSSP follow the convention of secondary strucure codes, which are:

SS namess codecode number
"310 helix""G"1
"alpha helix""H"2
"pi helix""I"3
"kappa helix""P"4
"beta strand""E"6
"beta bridge""B"7
"loop"" "10

See the DSSP secondary structure classification for further information.

Data structure

The outputs of the secondary structure calculations are vectors of SSData elements, with the following data, for each residue:

  • resname::String - residue name
  • chain::String - chain identifier
  • resnum::Int - residue number
  • sscode::String - secondary structure code
  • phi::Float64 - phi dihedral angle
  • psi::Float64 - psi dihedral angle

For example:

julia> using ProteinSecondaryStructures

julia> pdbfile = ProteinSecondaryStructures.Testing.examples[1].filename;

julia> ss = stride_run(pdbfile);

julia> ss[1]
SSData("MET", "A", 1, "C", 360.0, 150.62)

julia> ss[1].sscode

julia> ss_name(ss[1].sscode)

Reference structure


A struct to hold secondary structure data for a single residue. The fields are:

  • resname::String - residue name
  • chain::String - chain identifier
  • resnum::Int - residue number
  • sscode::String - secondary structure code
  • phi::Float64 - phi dihedral angle
  • psi::Float64 - psi dihedral angle