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Usually the beginning of a study without prior population information requires guesstimating the number of clusters present in the data. This can be accomplished using a number of methods, like K-means, K-mediods, Fuzzy-C Means, etc. PopGen.jl extends several of the clustering algorithms available in Clustering.jl to work directly with PopData objects.

The cluster wrapper

All of the clustering methods implemented in PopGen.jl (read below) can be accessed using a single function cluster.

cluster(::PopData, method::Function; matrixtype::Symbol, kwargs...)

A convenience wrapper to perform clustering on a PopData object determined by a designated method. The chosen method must also be supplied with the appropriate keyword arguments for that method. For more information on a specific method, read more below or see its docstring in a Julia session with ?methodname (e.g., ?kmediods). The keyword argument matrixtype refers to which input matrix you would like to use for clustering, one of either :pca (default, principal components of the scaled allele frequencies) or :freq (scaled allele frequencies).

Clustering Methods

Method NameMethod TypeKeyword Arguments
kmeansK-means++k, iterations
kmedoidsK-medoidsk, iterations
hclustHierarchical Clusteringlinkage, branchorder, distance
fuzzycmeansFuzzy C-meansc, fuzziness, iterations
dbscanDensity-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)radius, minpoints, distance


julia> cats = @nancycats;

julia> cluster(cats, kmeans, iterations = 100);

julia> cluster(cats, dbscan, matrixtype = :freq)

The results of these clustering methods can then be used for validation using any methods available in Clustering.jl.

skipping the wrapper

Since the clustering methods are exported, you can technically skip the cluster wrapper and use any of the methods directly (e.g. kmeans(PopData, k = 5)), although cluster() is the preferred method.

Clustering Methods


kmeans(data::PopData; k::Int64, iterations::Int64 = 100, matrixtype::Symbol = :pca)

Perform Kmeans clustering (using Kmeans++ from Arthur & Vassilvitskii 2007) on a PopData object. Returns a KmeansResult object. Use the keyword argument iterations (default: 100) to set the maximum number of iterations allowed to achieve convergence. Clustering is performed on the matrixtype principal components of the scaled allele frequencies (:pca), or just the scaled allele frequencies themselves (:freq). In both cases, missing values are replaced by the global mean allele frequency.

Keyword Arguments

  • k: the number of desired clusters, given as an Integer
  • iterations::Int64: the maximum number of iterations to attempt to reach convergence (default: 100)
  • matrixtype: type of input matrix to compute (default: :pca)
    • :pca: matrix of Principal Components of :freq
    • :freq: matrix of scaled allele frequencies


julia> cats = @nancycats ;

julia> km = kmeans(cats, k = 2)


kmedoids(data::PopData; k::Int64, iterations::Int64 = 100, distance::PreMetric = euclidean, matrixtype::Symbol = :pca)

Perform K-medoids (Kaufman & Rousseeuw, 1990) clustering on a PopData object. Returns a KmedoidsResult object. Use the keyword argument iterations (default: 100) to set the maximum number of iterations allowed to achieve convergence. Clustering is performed on the matrixtype principal components of the scaled allele frequencies (:pca), or just the scaled allele frequencies themselves (:freq). In both cases, missing values are replaced by the global mean allele frequency.

Keyword Arguments

  • k: the number of desired clusters, given as an Integer
  • iterations::Int64: the maximum number of iterations to attempt to reach convergence (default: 100)
  • distance: type of distance matrix to calculate on matrixtype (default: euclidean)
    • see Distances.jl for a list of options (e.g. sqeuclidean, etc.)
  • matrixtype: type of input matrix to compute (default: :pca)
    • :pca: matrix of Principal Components of :freq
    • :freq: matrix of scaled allele frequencies


julia> cats = @nancycats ;

julia> km = kmedoids(cats, k = 2, distance = sqeuclidean)

Hierarchical Clustering

hclust(data::PopData; linkage::Symbol = :single, branchorder::Symbol = :r, distance::PreMetric = euclidean, matrixtype::Symbol = :pca)

Perform hierarchical clustering (Bar-Joseph et al., 2001) on a PopData object. Returns an Hclust object, which contains many metrics but does not include cluster assignments. Use cutree(::PopData, ::Hclust; krange...) to compute the sample assignments for a range of k clusters. Clustering is performed on the matrixtype principal components of the scaled allele frequencies (:pca), or just the scaled allele frequencies themselves (:freq). In both cases, missing values are replaced by the global mean allele frequency.

Keyword Arguments

  • linkage: defines how the distances between the data points are aggregated into the distances between the clusters
    • :single: use the minimum distance between any of the cluster members (default)
    • :average: use the mean distance between any of the cluster members
    • :complete: use the maximum distance between any of the members
    • :ward: the distance is the increase of the average squared distance of a point to its cluster centroid after merging the two clusters
    • :ward_presquared: same as :ward, but assumes that the distances in the distance matrix are already squared.
  • branchorder: algorithm to order leaves and branches (default: :r)
    • :r: ordering based on the node heights and the original elements order (compatible with R's hclust)
    • :optimal: branches are ordered to reduce the distance between neighboring leaves from separate branches using the "fast optimal leaf ordering" algorithm
  • distance: type of distance matrix to calculate on matrixtype (default: euclidean)
    • see Distances.jl for a list of options (e.g. sqeuclidean, etc.)
  • matrixtype: type of input matrix (default: :pca)
    • :pca: matrix of Principal Components of :freq
    • :freq: matrix of allele frequencies


cutree(::PopData, hcres::Hclust; krange::UnitRange{Int64}, height::Union{Int64, Nothing} = nothing)
cutree(::PopData, hcres::Hclust; krange::Vector{Int64}, height::Union{Int64, Nothing} = nothing)

An expansion to the Clustering.cutree method (from Clustering.jl) that performs cluster assignments over krange on the Hclust output from hclust(). Returns a DataFrame of sample names and columns corresponding to assignments per k in krange. The PopData object is used only for retrieving the sample names.

Keyword Arguments

  • krange: the number of desired clusters, given as a vector (ex. [2,4,5]) or range (2:5)
  • h::Integer: the height at which the tree is cut (optional)


julia> cats = @nancycats ;

julia> hca = hclust(cats, branchorder = :optimal) ;

julia> cutree(cats, hca, krange = 2:5)

Fuzzy C-means

fuzzycmeans(data::PopData; c::Int64, fuzziness::Int64 = 2, iterations::Int64 = 100, matrixtype::Symbol = :pca)

Perform Fuzzy C-means clustering (Bezdek et al. 1984) on a PopData object. Returns a FuzzyCMeansResult object, which contains the assignment weights in the .weights field. Clustering is performed on the matrixtype principal components of the scaled allele frequencies (:pca), or just the scaled allele frequencies themselves (:freq). In both cases, missing values are replaced by the global mean allele frequency.

Keyword Arguments

  • c: the number of desired clusters, given as an Integer
  • fuzziness::Integer: clusters' fuzziness, must be >1 (default: 2)
    • a fuzziness of 2 is common for systems with unknown numbers of clusters
  • iterations::Int64: the maximum number of iterations to attempt to reach convergence (default: 100)
  • matrixtype: type of input matrix to compute (default: :pca)
    • :pca: matrix of Principal Components of :freq
    • :freq: matrix of scaled allele frequencies


julia> cats = @nancycats ;

julia> fuzzycats = fuzzycmeans(cats, c = 5) ;


dbscan(::PopData; radius::Float64, minpoints::Int64 = 2, distance::PreMetric = euclidean, matrixtype::Symbol = :pca)

Perform Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN: Ester et al. 1996) on a PopData object. Returns a DbscanResult object, which contains the assignments in the .assignments field. Clustering is performed on the matrixtype principal components of the scaled allele frequencies (:pca), or just the scaled allele frequencies themselves (:freq). In both cases, missing values are replaced by the global mean allele frequency.

Keyword Arguments

  • radius::Float64: the radius of a point neighborhood
  • minpoints::Int: the minimum number of a core point neighbors (default: 2)
  • distance: type of distance matrix to calculate on matrixtype (default: euclidean)
    • see Distances.jl for a list of options (e.g. sqeuclidean, etc.)
  • matrixtype: type of input matrix (default: :pca)
    • :pca: matrix of Principal Components
    • :freq: matrix of allele frequencies


julia> cats = @nancycats ;

julia> fuzzycats = dbscan(cats, radius = 0.5) ;


Much of the heavy lifting within these clustering methods are actually the result of the amazing authors and contributors of Clustering.jl and the Principal Component Analysis available from MultivariateStats.jl.