Standard Dictionary Operations
implements all the standard dictionary operations. You can use it as an efficient way to map (K, K)
tuples to values.
using IntervalTrees
# Create an interval tree mapping (Int, Int) intervals to Strings.
xs = IntervalMap{Int, String}()
# Insert values
xs[(1,100)] = "Low"
xs[(101,1000)] = "Medium"
xs[(1001,10000)] = "High"
# Search for values
println(xs[(1001,10000)]) # prints "High"
# Get a value, returning a default value if not found
println(get(xs, (10001, 100000), "Not found")) # prints "Not found"
# Set a value if it's not already present
println(set(xs, (10001, 100000), "Not found"))
# Delete values
delete!(xs, (1,100))