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Provided datasets

PopGen.jl (via PopGenCore.jl) provides two datasets as examples, nancycats and gulfsharks. The datasets can be retrieved using the dataset function, or their names as macros (e.g. @gulfsharks).

identitcal methods

The methods are identical (one is a wrapper for the other), but the benefit of calling the datasets directly by name is that you get the luxury of tab auto-completion 😁



Returns a PopData object of the dataset you would like to retrieve by calling the dataset as a string by name.


sharks = PopGen.dataset("gulfsharks")
cats = PopGen.dataset("nancycats")


We include the familiar nancycats microsatellite data, as featured in adegenet, for easy importing into PopGen.jl as PopData. As an alternative to datasets, you can invoke the @nancycats macro.

julia> cats = @nancycats
PopData{Diploid, 9 Microsatellite loci}
Samples: 237
Populations: 17

The spatial coordinates provided for the dataset in adegenet are completely unfamiliar to us (and some geospatial folks we spoke to), so they have been omitted. If you recognize what coordinate system has 485.111 appear in Nancy, France, please let us know!


We also include the SNP dataset used in Dimens et al. 2019 since it was already on hand. Like nancycats, we provide a convenient function to load these data into PopGen.jl as PopData. As an alternative to dataset, you can invoke the @gulfsharks macro.

julia> sharks = @gulfsharks
PopData{Diploid, 2209 SNP loci}
Samples: 212
Populations: 7
Other Info: ["longitude", "latitude"]