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📦 not exported🟪 exported by PopGenSims.jl

📦 sample_genotype

sample_genotype(geno::T, n_alleles::Int) where T<:Genotype
sample_genotype(geno::Missing, n_alleles::Int)

📦 haploid_cross!`

haploid_cross!(data::DataFrame, p1::T, p2::T; n::Int) where T <: GenoArray

📦 polyploid_cross!

polyploid_cross!(data::DataFrame, p1::T, p2::T; n::Int, ploidy::Int) where T <: GenoArray

🟪 cross

cross(data::PopData, parent1::String, parent2::String; n::Int = 100, generation::String = "F1")

Simulate a breeding cross between individuals parent1 and parent2 from a PopData object. Returns PopData consisting of n offspring resulting from the cross.

Keyword Arguments

  • n : Integer of number of offspring to generate (default: 100)
  • generation : A string to assign population identity to the offspring (default: "F1")
cross(parent_1::Pair, parent_2::Pair, n::Int = 100, generation::String = "F1")

Simulate a breeding cross between individuals parent and parent2 from two different PopData objects. Returns PopData consisting of n offspring resulting from the cross. parent_1_data and parent_2_data are positional arguments, therefore they must be written without keywords and in the order of parents 1, parent 2.

Keyword Arguments

  • parent_1 : Pair of PopData => "Parent1Name"
  • parent_2 : Pair of PopData => "Parent1Name"
  • n : Integer of number of offspring to generate (default: 100)
  • generation : A string to assign population identity to the offspring (default: "F1")