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📦 not exported🟪 exported by PopGenCore.jl🔵 exported by PopGen.jl

📦 openvcf


Open VCF file (.vcf(.gz) or .bcf(.gz)) and return an IO stream in reading mode "r".

🟪 bcf

bcf(infile::String; ; rename_loci::Bool, silent::Bool, allow_monomorphic::Bool)

Load a BCF file into memory as a PopData object. Population information needs to be provided separately.

  • infile : path to BCF file (can be gzipped)

Keyword Arguments

  • rename_loci : true/false of whether to simplify loci names to "snp_#" (default: false)
  • allow_monomorphic : true/false of whether to keep monomorphic loci (default: false)
  • silent: true/false of whether to print extra file information (default: false). Alleles are recoded according to the following schema:

Mixed-ploidy data

If importing mixed-ploidy data (such as poolseq), you will need to perform an additional step to convert the genotype column into the correct GenoArray type:

julia> mydata = bcf("path/to/file.bcf", silent = true, rename_loci = true) ;
julia> mydata.genodata.genotype = mydata.genodata.genotype |> Array{Union{Missing, NTuple}}

🟪 vcf

vcf(infile::String; ; rename_loci::Bool, silent::Bool, allow_monomorphic::Bool)

Load a VCF file into memory as a PopData object. Population information needs to be provided separately.

  • infile : path to VCF file (can be gzipped)

Keyword Arguments

  • rename_loci : true/false of whether to simplify loci names to "snp_#" (default: false)
  • allow_monomorphic : true/false of whether to keep monomorphic loci (default: false)
  • silent: true/false of whether to print extra file information (default: false). Alleles are recoded according to the following schema:

Mixed-ploidy data

If importing mixed-ploidy data (such as poolseq), you will need to perform an additional step to convert the genotype column into the correct GenoArray type:

julia> mydata = vcf("path/to/file.vcf", silent = true, rename_loci = true) ;
julia> mydata.genodata.genotype = mydata.genodata.genotype |> Array{Union{Missing, NTuple}}