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📦 not exported🟪 exported by PopGenCore.jl🔵 exported by PopGen.jl

🟪🔵 isbiallelic


Returns true if the GenoArray is biallelic, false if not.



Returns true all the loci in the PopData are biallelic, false if not.

🟪🔵 ishom

ishom(locus::T) where T <: GenoArray

A series of methods to test if a locus or loci are homozygous and return true if it is, false if it isn't (or missing). For calculations, we recommend using _ishom(), which returns missing if the genotype is missing. The vector version simply maps the function over the elements.

ishom(locus::Genotype, allele::Signed)
ishom(loci::GenoArray, allele::Signed)
ishom(geno::Missing, allele::Signed)

Returns true if the locus/loci is/are homozygous for the specified allele.

🟪 _ishom

_ishom(locus::T) where T <: GenoArray

Returns true if the locus/loci is/are homozygous for the specified allele and missing if the genotype is missing.

🟪🔵 ishet

ishet(locus::T) where T <: GenoArray

A series of methods to test if a locus or loci are heterozygous and return true if it is, false if it isn't. The vector version simply broadcasts the function over the elements. Under the hood, this function is simply !ishom. function ishet(locus::Genotype)

ishet(locus::Genotype, allele::Signed)
ishet(loci::GenoArray, allele::Signed)

Returns true if the locus/loci is/are heterozygous for the specified allele.

🟪 _ishet

_ishet(locus::T) where T <: GenoArray

Returns true if the locus/loci is/are heterozygous for the specified allele and missing if the genotype is missing.