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📦 not exported🟪 exported by PopGenCore.jl🔵 exported by PopGen.jl

🟪🔵 info


Display the metadata (PopDataInfo) of a PopData object.

🟪🔵 metadata


Display the metadata (PopDataInfo) of a PopData object.

🟪🔵 sampleinfo


Show the sample information found within the metadata of a PopData object. Returns a view of a dataframe

🟪🔵 genodata


Method to show the genotype information of a PopData object. Returns a view of a dataframe.

🟪🔵 locusinfo


Show the locus information found within the metadata of a PopData object. Returns a view of a dataframe

🟪🔵 locationdata


View the longitude and latitude data in a PopData object. Returns a table derived from the PopData. Changes made to this table will not alter the source PopData object. Use locations! to add spatial data to a PopData object.

🟪🔵 loci


Returns an array of strings of the loci names in a PopData object.

🟪🔵 samplenames


View individual/sample names in a PopData

🟪🔵 genotypes

genotypes(data::PopData, samplelocus::String)

Return a vector of all the genotypes of a sample (or locus) in a PopData object.

cats = @nancycats
genotypes(cats, "N115")
genotypes(cats, "fca8")

genotypes(data::PopData, samplelocus::Pair{String, String}) ::DataFrame
genotypes(data::PopData, samplelocus::Pair{Vector{String}, String}) ::DataFrame
genotypes(data::PopData, samplelocus::Pair{String, Vector{String}}) ::DataFrame

Return a genotype or dataframe of genotypes for one or more samples/loci in a PopData object. Uses the Pair notation of samples => loci.


cats = @nancycats;
genotypes(cats, "N115" => "fca8")
genotypes(cats, ["N115", "N7"] => "fca8")
genotypes(cats, "N115" => ["fca8", "fca37"])
genotypes(cats, ["N1", "N2"] => ["fca8", "fca37"])

🟪🔵 populations

populations(data::PopData; counts::Bool = false)

View unique population ID's and/or their counts in PopData.

  • counts returns a dataframe of samples per population instead (default = false)