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📦 not exported🟪 exported by PopGenCore.jl🔵 exported by PopGen.jl

🟪 permuteloci!


Edits PopData in place with loci permuted across populations within the .genodata dataframe.

🟪 permutesamples!

permutesamples!(data::PopData; meta::Bool = false)

Edits PopData in place with samples permuted across populations within the .genodata dataframe. Since performance is important for many permutations, the default is to only edit the .genodata table in place; use meta = true if you also require the .sampleinfo dataframe edited in place.

🟪 permutegenotypes!

permutegenotypes!(data::PopData; by::String = "locus")

Edits PopData in place with genotypes permuted across individuals within the .genodata dataframe. Use by = "population" (or "pop") to permute genotypes within populations.

🟪 permutealleles!

permutealleles!(data::PopData; ploidy::Union{Nothing, Int} = nothing, by::String = "locus")

Edits PopData in place with alleles permuted and reconstructed into genotypes for each locus within the .genodata dataframe. Use by = "population" (or "pop") to permute alleles within populations. If ploidy is not provided (default ploidy = nothing), then ploidy will be identified from the PopData. If performance is important, it would be best to identify ploidy in advance and set it to a specific integer.

🟪 strictshuffle

strictshuffle(x::T) where T <: AbstractArray

Shuffle only the non-missing values of a Vector and return a copy of the vector, keeping the missing values at their original locations. Use strictshuffle! to edit in-place instead of returning a copy.

🟪 strictshuffle!

strictshuffle!(x::T) where T <: AbstractArray

Shuffle only the non-missing values of a Vector, keeping the missing values at their original locations. Use strictshuffle to return a copy instead of editing in-place.