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📦 not exported🟪 exported by PopGenCore.jl🔵 exported by PopGen.jl

🟪 partitionarray

partitionarray(array::AbstractArray, steps::AbstractVector{<:Integer})

Like Base.Iterators.Partition, except you can apply arbitrary sizes to partition the array by. The steps must add up to the total row length of the array.


julia> partitionarray(rand(20,5), [10,3,4,3]) .|> size
[(10, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (3, 5)]

🟪🔵 pairwisepairs

pairwisepairs(smp_names::Vector{T}) where T

Given a vector, returns a lazy iterator of tuples of unique all x all combinations of element pairs, excluding self-comparisons.


julia> colors = ["red_1", "red_2", "blue_1", "blue_2"] ;
julia> pairwisepairs(colors) |> collect
6-element Array{Tuple{String,String},1}:
("red_1", "red_2")
("red_1", "blue_1")
("red_1", "blue_2")
("red_2", "blue_1")
("red_2", "blue_2")
("blue_1", "blue_2")

🟪 simpairs


Takes a Vector of sample names and returns a Tuple of sample pairs, grouped by simulation number. This is an internal function used for isolating sibship pairs from simulated shipship pairs (via PopGenSims.jl) to perform relatedness estimates only on those pairs. Example

julia> a = ["sim1_off1", "sim1_off2", "sim2_off1", "sim2_off2"] ;
julia> simpairs(a)
("sim1_off1", "sim1_off2")
("sim2_off1", "sim2_off2")

🟪 skipinf


Return an iterator over the elements in itr skipping Inf and -Inf values. The returned object can be indexed using indices of itr if the latter is indexable. Indices corresponding to Inf values are not valid: they are skipped by keys and eachindex,
and a MissingException is thrown when trying to use them. This is effectively skipmissing for Inf and -Inf values. Use collect to obtain an Array containing the non-Inf values in itr. Note that even
if itr is a multidimensional array, the result will always be a Vector since it is not
possible to remove Infs while preserving dimensions of the input.

🟪 skipnan


Return an iterator over the elements in itr skipping NaN values. The returned object can be indexed using indices of itr if the latter is indexable. Indices corresponding to NaN values are not valid: they are skipped by keys and eachindex,
and a MissingException is thrown when trying to use them. This is effectively skipmissing for NaN values. Use collect to obtain an Array containing the non-NaN values in itr. Note that even
if itr is a multidimensional array, the result will always be a Vector since it is not
possible to remove NaNs while preserving dimensions of the input.

🟪 skipinfnan


Return an iterator over the elements in itr skipping NaN, Inf and -Inf values. See the docstrings of skipinf and skipnan more details.